You Tell The Story...........We Set The Tone..........

Audio Made Easy
What else does Sanctuary Sound give you besides excellent products and expertise to match?
Ira Whites Book on professional audio that the average person can understand! Distributed nationally by Hal Leonard Publications, you've probably seen it in major bookstores and music catalogs. What makes it special? endless formulas or abstract terminology. Just the facts, distilled from author Ira White's years of experience. Inside you'll find practical tips on how pro audio equipment works and how you can use it to its fullest - all seasoned with a dash of humor.
Chapters Include:
​ The Source Be With You (Microphones)
Unplugged (Wireless Microphones)
Down To The Wire (Connections)
Basic Plumbing ( Mixers)
Virtual Plumbing (Digital Mixers)
Cause & Effects (Effects)
Signal Corps (Processing)
Power Tools (Amplifiers)
Pumping Paper (Speakers)
For The Record (Recorders)
Audio By Design (Operations)
Whether you're interested in recording or live sound - instruments or voices- clubs, churches, theaters or concert halls - and whether you're an audio novice or an old hand, this book is the shortest distance between you and a better understanding of sound and recording systems. Now includes a CD-ROM of audio examples and songs. Price? Only $16.95
Here What Others are saying:
"Audio Made Easy" Testimonies
I purchased your book, "Audio Made Easy", in a Barnes & Noble while attending a seminar last March and it has made my recording experience so much richer. Thank you for clearing up so many dark areas that I've avoided and now fear not.
Michael Randle
West Hollywood, CA
I've been in and/or around the sound end of music and public address for over 30 years but every time I read your book, one of those "gray" areas becomes ever clearer. You have come up with a simple way of explaining the complex job of sound amplification and enhancement. To put it simply I have recommended your book to over 30 people and purchased 5 copies myself (as gifts).
Jim Miller
Virginia Beach, VA
Mr. White,
I recently purchased your book "Audio Made Easy." I just wanted to let you know I genuinely enjoyed it. Thanks for making what is often made complicated easy to understand and fun to learn. It would appear that God has blessed you with a great sense of humor and the gift to teach.
Don Slomin
Greetings & thanks for a really cool entry level (& beyond) book! I'm tech. director at Life Church in Fort Myers FL. One of my more energetic staff volunteers showed me a copy of your book & I thought "why can't I explain things that way?!" I have been in professional audio since 1980 & working in the ministry since 1987 & your book does make it easy for the not so "teckie" to grasp the basics.
Alan Knapp
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I'm a 41 year-old "girl" who tries to run sound for our gospel trio in Caldwell, Idaho. My audio engineer friend told me to find books on the subject rather than bombard him with questions, so my son found your book through a search on I can't adequately describe just how much I've enjoyed reading it and how helpful it has been (I just finished my second time through it). Your writing style suits my learning style, I appreciate the way you put things in plain language without "dumbing down" the concepts, and your faith bleeds through in your writing to offer some sort of peace to the whole process.
Lorinda Norton
I recently purchased a copy of your "Audio Made Easy" book and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is now being highly recommended to a lot of my friends wanting a start in audio.
Tony Crouch
Lismore, Australia
This book is great for anyone wanting to know more about audio engineering. The book is informative and to the point. Most importantly, the author does not talk down to the reader, and never loses the reader as he covers the most important areas of the subject. I highly suggest this book as a great, practical guide, especially for students, being novice or intermediate.
Eric Moss
Boston, MA
I've run sound at church and play in a Christian rock band, but I never quite grasped the concepts of sound design and how the equipment works until I read this book. I may not be able to walk into Carnegie hall and EQ the room as well as a seasoned pro, but I understand the basics: how Ohm's law works and why it's important, what channel inserts do, and why sometimes there's a fourth dial on a 3-band EQ. White has a good sense of humor and kept me laughing through most of the book. That's more than I can say about most technical manuals.
Paul George
Archdale, NC
I use this book to train sound people for our church. It won't give you the gift of being able to hear subtle differences in music, or teach you the all the science behind sound systems. It will teach you how a sound system works, what all the terms mean, and what you need to know to set up your own system and run it well enough to get you going. It won't scare people away like most of the other books designed for serious students making this a career.
M. Weigand
Waupaca, WA
Imagine a successful audio engineer who speaks in laymans terms with great illustrations and a sense of humor and you pretty much have this book by Ira White. This is the perfect introduction to live audio and recording whether at home, in a theater, church, or larger venue. Highly recommend.
Mark Parker
Selinsgrove, PA
If you are either a beginner or intermediate sound tech, this is an excellent book. It starts off basic and then moves on into more advanced concepts such as complex gain-staging and equalizing. It is an excellent book for the casual sound engineer who has never had any formal training and is equally applicable to both live sound reinforcement and recording. It is simply the most informative yet concise introduction to Pro Audio I have ever seen.
Nickolas Means
Waco, TX